Xenia Hotels & Resorts
(NYSE: XHR) invests in luxury and upper-upscale hotels in top U.S. markets, enhancing shareholder value through strategic growth and strong asset management.
Who We Are
Xenia owns a diversified portfolio of high quality hotel & resort properties.
Diverse & High-Quality Portfolio
31 luxury and upper-upscale hotels and resorts primarily in Top 25 markets and key leisure destinations
Experienced Management
Leadership team with extensive track record in hospitality
Multiple Growth Drivers
Strong long-term growth prospects based on numerous embedded growth opportunities and accretive transactions
Strong, Flexible Balance Sheet
Flexible and conservative balance sheet supports outlook
Xenia’s portfolio is aligned with
the best-in-class hotel brands.

Corporate Responsibility
Our corporate mission extends beyond the creation of stockholder value to include our responsibility to the communities in which we conduct business and to the environment as a whole.